Empowering people for systematic thinking and behavior.
Our mission is based on gathering, verifying and transforming a comprehensive system knowledge to the society.
There are many problems all around the world because of non-systematic thinking and behaving. Society needs to be prepared for a change in his behavior. It would be possible by having have enough knowledge and sufficient insight. This encyclopedia will gather and publish information, knowledge and experiences in this field. It will become an applicable and reliable reference in system knowledge. Our mission is based on gathering, verifying and transforming a comprehensive system knowledge to the society.
Three Pillars of System Encyclopedia
Materials for Learning:
More Intelligent
There is a growing need for personalized educative materials, learning contents and reliable information in specialized fields. From students in the schools and universities to skill workers, from industrialists to business managers are looking for authentic information based on their previous knowledge, skills, occupation, interests and other characteristics.
System: from A to Z
We create bespoke learning materials to address the needs of every member of the society around system science. From students, teachers, managers, politicians etc. by defining the most basic words to the most complicated terms.
Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond a limited group of people, institute and organizations. We are certainly open to collaborate and expand the network among academicians in research groups and universities, entrepreneurs, industries, enterprises etc.
“Coming together is a beginning staying together is progress and working together is success.”
— Henry Ford

“The term system is unquestionably one of the most widely used terms not only in science, but in other areas of human endeavor as well. It is a highly overworked term, which enjoys different meanings under different circumstances and for different people. However, when separated from its specific connotations and uses, the term "system" is almost never explicitly defined.”
— George Klir
Useful Links
The International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) is the peak body of the systems community. It is a virtual platform that convenes and facilitates the rich academic tradition not only but primarily of system sciences, cybernetics and complexity theory as a basis and the many vivid practices and applications set out to meet the challenges of the Anthropocene in the 21st century.
System Dynamics was born at MIT Sloan in the 1950s and developed by Prof. Emeritus Jay W. Forrester. System Dynamics helps us understand, design, and manage change. Using data and technology, System Dynamics models the relationships between all the parts of a system and how those relationships influence the behavior of the system over time.
OES aim is to develop an open source standardized online platform, the Open Encyclopedia System, for building and maintaining online encyclopedias in the fields of humanities and social sciences that provide readers worldwide free and unrestricted online access to scientific content (Open Access).

Feel free to contact us with any questions.